Most Searched Celebrities On Google

It's no secret that Google is a good note taker. Every search you've ever done, from "Justin Timberlake is a jerk" to "Katy Perry," is sitting on a server somewhere, right now.

Miley Cyrus
This one should come as no surprise. According to Google, Miley is experiencing a career high when it comes to buzz. Her searches outrank her closest competitor fourfold.
Who could blame all those people scrambling for Miley updates? Everyone loves an ongoing trainwreck, and since Bynes is in rehab and Lohan is playing nice with Oprah, Miley Cyrus is the only act left in town.
The reigning queen of daddy issues has been all over the place of late, and so have her assets. Her recent VMA performance (and flesh colored outfit) earned her plenty of mockery of social networks, probably because she looked like a stick-shaped, flesh-colored jello mold having a seizure. After that, she made another big splash by baring her naked body on a big, swinging wrecking ball.
The song, subtly titled "Wrecking Ball," is maybe about her boyfriend or it's maybe about her tragic life as a teen pop star, we can't be really sure. What we can be sure of is that Britney 2.0 still has several more meltdowns left before she's stuck hosting some second rate talent show.
Heck, even after the social media throttling she took, kids are still emulating her. A college in Missouri recently had to remove a wrecking ball sculpture from their campus because the kids kept trying to ride it. Why the college had a sculpture of a wrecking ball to begin with is the real mystery.

Justin Bieber
Due to a mixture of what must be a crack PR team and a clinically insane fan base, Justin Bieber is number two on our list. Most recently, he's in the headlines for getting into the kind of trouble that makes him look cool and rebellious to tweens. To adults, though, having his body guards commit assault and getting caught with weed on his tour bus just makes him look like a spoiled twerp.
Bieber also gets a lot of headlines for only being tangentially related to a story, like the time that pedophile convinced something like 800 underaged girls to send him illicit videos of themselves after explaining to them that he was the Biebs.
Bieber also garners his own fair share of attention for making a complete fool of himself. In his newest "creative" outing, for example, he drove the prepubescent girls wild by rapping shirtless continuing the long tradition of Canadian rappers who stopped watching hip hop trends after Marky Mark showed them how it was done.

 One Direction
Here's a tough lesson for the members of One Direction: Nothing you do or ever will do is original. You are just another in a long line of boy bands that began probably in like ancient Greece or something (only it would have been much creepier in ancient Greece). I'm sorry to be the one's to tell you this. I know it's got to be a shock. I'm sure you're all too young to have suffered through the Backstreet/N*Sync wars of the mid-90's, but even they weren't doing anything original.
The picture above are the wax figures of One Direction, found at Madame Tussaud's, but they have the exact same amount of glassy-eyed, interchangeable charisma as their living counterparts.
Also, their movie sucked.

Apparently, Drake can both sing and rap - which, to translate for any older members just means he can sing and breathe rhythmically. Honestly, there's not much else to say about the guy that hasn't already been used to describe any number of artists who managed to do two things adequately and who were super into themselves.
Of course, if you ask Drake, he believes that he's "the first person to successfully rap and sing." Clearly, he's never been wooed by the urban stylings of Queen Latifah. Besides, it can't be too hard to do both if there's a WikiHow article on it.
Hit and miss by most accounts, his real claim to fame is being the "sensitive" rapper, which I guess means that he objectifies women sweetly and talks about how much money he has while quietly understanding the wide financial divide between himself and his fans.

Who's surprised at Beyoncé's inclusion? It's only surprising she's not higher up on the list, considering she practically poops gold. Mother of Blue Ivy, the most famous baby on the planet (suck it, Kate Middleton!), and a recording artist so popular that she makes headlines when there's a mild change in her staffing, Beyoncé has more than earned her "Queen Bey" moniker.
She's universally viewed as a wonderful person, even getting some real praise from Fleetwood Mac lead singer, Stevie Nicks, who called her, "not skanky." Given the state of the music industry these days, that's glowing commentary.
With all this praise and the sales records to back it up, is there anything this woman can't do?
Act. She's a terrible actress.

 Justin Timberlake
I understand that, these days, it's totally acceptable to respect Justin Timberlake or to enjoy his contribution to pop culture, but when I look at him, I still see this guy. And you can't respect that guy.
He might have a movie coming out with Ben Affleck soon, but who thinks pairing two d-bags and making them talk about gambling sounds like a fun two hours?
You can't fault Timberlake's savvy, though, as he successfully navigated the often treacherous waters of post teen stardom. He even managed to do it without freaking out and melting down a la pretty much everyone else who earned their celebrity at such a young age. It's him, Jodie Foster and Joseph Gordon-Levitt, and that's it.
Whether he's stealing Michael Jackson's moves or making ladies swoon with that out of tune caterwauling, you can count on dealing with this guy popping up for the foreseeable future, whether you like him or not.

 Barack Obama
 Wait, what's this guy doing here?! This is a list of important people, not … what does he do again? There was something about him bringing us to the brink of war only to have the world saved by a Russian gangster. Oooh, that sounds like a good plot for a movie.
Seriously, though, B-Rock is the president, and even though he hasn't exactly been on a hot streak lately (I hesitate to say more lest a drone strike me down where I stand), but it's nice thinking that there are enough people out there looking into POTUS' activities that he actually nets more attention than Taylor Swift.
Hey, it's not a big win, but it counts. Go America!

 Kendrick Lamar
 Admittedly, this is my first contact with Kendrick Lamar. Sorry, I don't really listen to hip hop and I try to avoid anything considered "cool" or "new" as a general way of life.
That said, this kid apparently has some skills (is "skills" still a thing? If so, the guy's got 'em). His music is a thoughtful riff on west-coast hip-hop that's got more than a little talent layered into the thumping beats.
He's also one of these "artist" types who will pull from anywhere, regardless of genre, to make something good. Just check out his videos that can feature everything from the expected quota of curvy women to random footage from Harmony Korine movies like "Gummo" and "Kids."
More than that, Lamar seems to be a rare musician who is concerned more with making good beats than with getting his picture taken, and that alone merits some recognition.

 Taylor Swift
Swift makes the list for being America's daintiest battleaxe.
The line of broken men she's left behind rivals some third world dictators, but rather than earn the ire of people everywhere, she has turned that maliciousness into a fully-fledged Grammy laden career.
To be perfectly honest, the most lasting impression Taylor Swift has left on me is her total inability to take G-rated jokes at her expense. You do, however, have to admire the guts it takes to directly insult two of the sharpest women working in comedy today.
Or maybe that takes delusion. If the woman still sees herself as the victim after 50 or so publicly failed relationships, then maybe delusion is the right answer.

 Selena Gomez
It would seem that it is possible to break free of the mouse house, and Selena Gomez is living proof. Technically, so are Justin Timberlake and Britney Spears, but Gomez shed her rodent ears in the aughts, when being a Disney kid meant insane amounts of exposure and an almost certain career death once you finished puberty.
But, Gomez has - so far, at least - made a real go of being an adult-type actress by walking the time tested path all aspiring starlets walk. First, she took her clothes off. Then, she dropped 100 pounds of dead weight. Then, she starred in a mediocre action movie, and next she's lining up ensemble work with respectable talent. Don't ask me why actually doing good work is last on that list, but that's how Hollywood works.

Eminem is still one of the few white rappers with real, actual talent. Yes, there are talented white rappers who aren't Eminem (or the Beastie Boys).
That said, Em is the reigning heavyweight champion of pasty rhymesters, and he's got new music coming out, which accounts for the increase in his attention …
Ok, I just have to put this out there. Eminem is boring now. He's all about the music these days. Remember when he was so unhinged we thought he might actually kill his ex-wife? These days, the most exciting thing he does is move out of Detroit (and who could blame him)?
We don't need rappers acting responsibly and focusing on the music! We want drug binges and violence. Get it together, Em!

 Robin Thicke
"Toolbox," thy name is Robin Thicke.
Okay, okay, I admit I haven't really taken the time to actually listen to the man's music, but what would you think about a guy who is voluntarily seen in public wearing Beetlejuice's dirty laundry? Or who volunteers to double as Miley Cyrus' stripper pole? How about the fact that the only promo photos you can find of Thicke involve him being ignored by annoyed models? Isn't that what's happening here?
Not enough proof? How about the fact his personal hashtag is just "#thicke". Overcompensate much?
So, we've become a society that just suffers d-bags endlessly? That's the lesson I'm taking away.

Is Beyoncé really so popular that her spouse is included just because he gets to be in lots of pictures with her? That's what I assumed, but according to Wikipedia, Mr. Z has quite the career of his own.
Honestly, though, who doesn't love themself some Jay-Z? He ranks as one of hip hop's pillars, his sound is a natural gateway to a period of time when the greats roamed the Earth, and he's also one heck of a mogul in his own right, with ventures that range from clothing lines to clubs to sports teams.
After over a decade at the top, Jay-Z has proven that, If it's music, sports or just being the coolest m-effer in the room, Jay-Z is the guy to call.

 Ariana Grande
Ariana Grande presents another challenge here. She's a Disney star, so she's most likely been bred to sing pop and dance lasciviously. She's probably also been trained to act as though subtlety doesn't exist. It does exist, by the way, it's simply an endangered species. Those things are (probably) true, but I haven't actually seen her stuff, and I do NOT get paid enough to watch the Disney Channel. On top of all that, she's like ten, so I'd feel bad mocking her.
Which is cool, because, again, I don't know enough about her career to properly aim a joke.
Apparently, lots of people do know about her, though, so the information is out there. If you have kids, go ask them about her. If you don't, let this one slide. It's doubtful you'll hear from her after Disney is done with her.

 Katy Perry
There aren't too many bad things to say about Katy Perry, who rounds out the list at number 15. Sure, her music is crap, but with the exception of Jay-Z, so is pretty much everyone else's on this list, so you can't hold lack of talent against her.
She also seems to be one of the few pop stars who is moderately well-adjusted. You have to assume showing up to the VMA's sporting that blinged out grill was more joke than fashion statement. We're giving her the benefit of the doubt on that one. So, too, you have to hope that the sheer number of pictures of her not wearing makeup speaks to a lack of vanity. Either that or she needs to fire her publicist (because unless she's dolled up, that lady is weird looking).


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